Saturday, October 10, 2009

About Myself

My research topic and I are very connected. I mentioned in my first blog how I have a passion for this subject. That, in itself, is justifiable enough to make an argument that going through this process will have a profound effect on myself. I consider myself to be a person that is passionate about certain issues and will go the distance to find out all the facts that I can muster. Because of that, the enthusiasm for the research would be much more proficient than someone else doing a report on something that they really don't care about. Someone who is passionate would delve into the actual academic inquiry part of the research and not just the basics. Finding out the who, where, when, what, and why of the topic is essential to expressing a more complete thought. That is the route I am taking with this endeavor. What is at stake is not just my personal gratification, however. It is more about bringing light to a topic that is normally not discussed in the mainstream of thought. I think when most people are searching for a topic to research, the Federal Reserve is most likely not the first choice on their lists. That is why I believe my essay will be unique and interesting compared to most. As long as I do the proper research, of course.

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