Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Why I Write

When I think about what I would choose to write for a research essay, I ponder about subjects and ideas that I am really passionate about. That passion stems from the desire to find out more about that idea and why. One of the things I am interested in nowadays is the role of the Federal Reserve in conducting U.S. monetary policy. The economy is a major topic of discussion presently in this country. The reason is, of course, due to the fact that the U.S. is the process of combating a major economic recession. The Federal Reserve plays a major role in the economy itself. This private central bank deals with interest rates, business cycles, the printing of money, and having close ties with the government. These are all things that can positively and negatively affect our economic situation. Therefore, while it is an interesting topic for me personally, its also an important topic that needs to be researched more in depth.

Do I already have an opinion about the Fed? I do. That is why I feel that more research is necessary to draw factual and logical conclusions about my positions and those opposing me. Maybe in the process I will change my viewpoints. That would be quite a breakthrough. I hope to accomplish more than just passing English 102. I really want to learn more about how topics are researched and how I can better my own skills. I also think the idea of research and critical inquiry is interesting, albeit a tad confusing. I hope to break down the barriers that are holding me back and proficiently concoct a solid research paper.

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